Overcome Cultural Barriers To Settle In a New Environment Without Stress

Collaboration is a key to great success. Cultural diversity is a big challenge, yet it is an opportunity for all organizations and professionals to expand their businesses and careers and further their studies, and their life in new countries. We are proud to provide our most interactive, informative, and practical cross-cultural sessions. Our main purpose is to promote respect, encourage understanding, foster connectivity, and help people over challenges because of cultural differences.

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Living and Working in Viet Nam

About program

This workshop is designed to aid in the communication of Vietnamese staff and expatriate professionals, both improving understanding and creating a better work environment. It is highly interactive and very practical to address day-to-day cross-cultural business challenges for Vietnamese staff and expats working or living together.


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Program Outline

Program Objectives

  • 4 Characteristics of the Vietnamese people
  • What is the business mindset and its roots: how it was built and its impact
  • The 4 roots of Vietnamese culture
  • The 5 core characteristics of Vietnamese people
  • Cultural differences and their roots between the North, Center, and South of Vietnam and why the North does not like the South and vice versa
  • The differences between the North, the Center and the South
  • 5 essential business skills in Vietnam
  • The 2-step process to solve any work issues in Vietnam
  • How to give negative/positive feedback in Vietnam
  • What mistakes to avoid when communicating with Vietnamese
  • Change management in the Vietnamese cultural context
  • The 5 Vietnamese cultural values facilitating the change process
  • The 3 keys components of a fast and smooth change process in Vietnam
  • 6 key personal and collective motivations of Vietnamese
  • The 7 ways to motivate, engage, retain Vietnamese
  • The best working environment for Vietnamese to be productive
  • The 14 cultural differences between the West and Vietnam
  • The most admired and resented behaviors in Vietnam

How to fit in with the local culture:

  • Equip yourself with knowledge of the local work culture.
  • The best leadership style in Vietnam
  • The 4 elements of a successful leadership style in Vietnam
  • The 5 roles of a successful leader in Vietnam
  • The 3 pillars of leadership in Vietnam
  • the 3 benefits of building personal relationships and how to build these relationships
  • What are the issues related to hierarchy and how to solve them?
  • List of Vietnamese cultural values, their impact on behavior, and how to use them to build a cultural strategy
  • The impact of Vietnamese education at work
  • The impact of religion when doing business
  • The communication style in Vietnam and how to communicate efficiently
  • The 7 ways that the Vietnamese say no
  • Analysis of your cultural profile: your cultural gaps with the Vietnamese and how to bridge them

Program Outline

The following content will be customized to answer the particular needs and concerns of the trainee(s)

Section 1: Introduction & Cultural Self-Awareness

  • Your objectives
  • My objectives
  • Cultural Awareness

Section 2: Understanding Cultural Differences

  • “Cultural Sunglasses”
  • What is Culture?
  • The Iceberg Model

Section 3: Vietnam Specific Information

  • Geography
  • How climate and geography influence a living/working style and mindset
  • History of country and its influence on local culture
  • Historical background
  • Which ethnic groups form the nation? Differences between the North, Center  and South
  • The government’s influence on culture
  • Religion and its influence on the local culture
  • Religious groups
  • Traditions, rites and rituals
  • Holidays: their meanings/ influence on culture
  • Social and Business etiquette
  • Gift giving
  • Accepted/ non-accepted behavior
  • Daily living information (optional)

Section 4: Culture in the Workplace: Are you a Global Employee/ Executive?

  • Workplace culture
  • Cultural differences: comparison of Western and Asian cultures
  • Set your personal “Culture Compass”
  • Determine your cultural position and compare it with your country of origin and the Vietnamese:
  • Identify the gaps
  • Tips and strategies to fill in the gap of working culture differences
  • Presentation: (optional): “The roots of the Vietnamese Culture and its Impact on Doing Business in Vietnam”

Section 5:  Interactive Case Studies

  • Practice acquired knowledge on 5 real case scenario(s) or work situations brought by participants

Section 6:  Intercultural Communication

  • Culture and communication
  • Communication Style
  • How we communicate
  • 7 approaches to saying “NO”
  • Overcoming language barriers: working with “Global English”
  • Practice:
  • How to give negative feedback to a Vietnamese staff member
  • How to detect when a Vietnamese staff member is saying “YES” but means “NO”

Section 7: Adjustment Issues & Dealing with Change

  • Culture shock: what is it?
  • Stages of culture shock
  • Relocation adjustment tips
  • Key concerns: discussion of 1-2 concerns of participants, addressing issues and providing strategies
  • Intercultural tips

Section 8: Conclusion (Time permitting for the one-day training, included in the two-day training)

  • The path to cultural competency
  • Benefits of intercultural training
  • The building blocks of intercultural competency


Open discussion; interactive PowerPoint presentation with exercises, practice, and group discussions; handouts; real case scenarios; role play; and cultural compass tool debrief (cultural position evaluation questionnaire).

Competency Focus

  • The necessity of developing cross cultural skills: leadership and communication skills and how to acquire them.
  • You will know how to work, lead, and communicate with the Vietnamese people after the training.
  • You will apply the strategies learned to develop the new skills after the training.

Duration & Language

  • Duration: 2 days. 7 hours/day (9.00 am-5.00pm)
  • Language: English or Vietnamese


  • Expats with or without their spouses arriving in Vietnam. Ideally, the training should be followed within  two months after arrival.
  • One-to-one training or a group of up to 20 participants.

Follow up & support after training

  • To help you build your action plan after the training.
  • Consulting and personal coaching (or group coaching) to help you win the particular cultural challenges created by your local working environment.

Cultural Awareness Workshop

About program
This workshop is designed to help Vietnamese staff and expat Managers understand each other better and make it easier to communicate and work together. It is highly interactive and very practical to address day to day cross cultural business challenges for Vietnamese staff and expats Managers working together. The facilitator will help both sides to express their views and opinions to understand the particularities of the other Culture. All participants are engaged to discover and understand the specifics and roots of their own Culture and of the other Culture. The discovered knowledge will be used to evidence and understand the differences. Then tips and strategies will be given to bridge the gaps.

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Program Outline


This workshop is designed to help Vietnamese staff and expat managers understand each other better, making it easier to communicate. It is highly interactive and very practical to help address day-to-day cross-cultural business challenges for Vietnamese staff and expats managers working together.

The facilitator will help both sides learn to express their views and opinions in order to understand the particularities of cultures another’s culture. All participants are engaged in discovering and understanding the specifics and roots of their own and the other culture.

The discovered knowledge will be used as evidence behind the differences. Tips and strategies will be given to bridge the apparent gaps.

Goals of the workshop

Primary goals:

  • Make Vietnamese and expats aware of their own culture and that of each other
  • Make both sides shift from their cultural position toward the middle, where they can meet and work together
  • Because managers are agent of change, expats managers will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and techniques to manage and communicate with their

Vietnamese staff to make them shift from their cultural position toward adopting Western management and best practices.

Secondary goals:

  • Identify potential conflicts and help resolve them
  • Develop communication between expats and the Vietnamese staff
  • Reinforce team spirit

Learning Objectives

  • By the end of the training, each participant will:
  • Be aware of his/her own culture and its roots
  • Be aware of the culture of the other and its roots
  • Be aware of cultural differences
  • Understand what is culture
  • Know how to communicate across cultures
  • Know their respective cultural position
  • Be able to compare it with any member of their team
  • Be able to understand the differences between their cultural position and that of the other person’s culture
  • Be aware of the reason for cultural gaps and how to bridge cultural differences
  • Be able to use the social and business etiquette of the other culture
  • Know tips and strategies to reduce the differences

Know practical steps, tips, and strategies to fit into the local culture/corporate culture:

  • Equip yourself with knowledge of the local working culture
  • Experience coaching with practical and proven techniques and strategies to help the participant communicate, build relationship, motivate, engage and manage his/her Vietnamese team efficiently
  • Understand most successful leadership style in Vietnam
  • Learn the 5 roles of a successful Leader in Vietnam
  • Learn 3 pillars of leadership in Vietnam
  • Know the 3 benefits of building personal relationships
  • Know the 4 characteristics of the Vietnamese people
  • Know the 3 keys to Vietnamese employee motivation
  • Know the 5 essential business skills in Vietnam
  • Know the 7 steps to retain Vietnamese employees
  • How to give negative feedback

Be An Agent Of Change:

  • Use the knowledge of the local Culture to shift toward the Vietnamese staff’s cultural position to Induce Cultural change and help them to shift from their working Culture position toward the company’s working Culture
  • Create a cultural mix and meet them at the middle cultural point
  • Motivate and Induce adoption of best practices and international standards by local staff
  • The 5 steps to change people
  • The Vietnamese cultural values and strategies to leverage on when changing Vietnamese employees
  • The change strategy in Vietnam
  • The virtuous development circle

Understand Better The Western Culture:

  • Roots of the Western culture or expats’ specific countries
  • Perception of other working cultures by Vietnamese and Westerners
  • Best ways to work with Westerners

Content of the workshop

The following content will be customized to answer the particular needs and concerns of trainee(s)

Section 1: Introduction & Cultural Self-Awareness

  • Your objectives
  • My objectives
  • Cultural awareness

Section 2: Understanding Cultural Differences

  • “Cultural Sunglasses”
  • What is culture?
  • The Iceberg Model

Section 3: Vietnam Specific Information – Roots of the Culture

  • Geography
  • How climate and geography influence a living/working style and mindset
  • History of the country and its influence on local culture
  • Historical background
  • Which ethnic groups form the nation? Differences between the North, Center,   and South
  • The government’s influence on culture
  • Religion and its influence on local culture
  • Religious groups
  • Traditions, rites, and rituals
  • Holidays and their meanings/ influence on culture
  • Social and Business etiquette
  • Gift giving
  • Accepted/ non-accepted behavior

 Section 4: Culture in the Workplace: are you a Global Employee/ Executive?

  • Workplace culture
  • Cultural differences: comparison of Western and Asian cultures – Korean and Vietnamese
  • Set your personal “Culture Compass”
  • Set your cultural position and compare it with your country of origin and that of the Vietnamese
  • Identify gaps
  • Tips and strategies to gap the working Culture differences

Section 5: Interactive Case Studies

  • Practice of acquired knowledge using one or more real case scenario(s) or real work situations brought by the participants

 Section 6: Intercultural Communication

  • Culture and communication
  • Communication Style
  • How we communicate
  • 7 approaches to saying “NO”
  • Overcoming language barriers: working with “Global English”
  • Practice:
  • how to give negative feedback to a Vietnamese staff?
  • how to detect when a Vietnamese staff is saying “YES” but means “NO”

Section 7: Conclusion

  • Key learning, takeaways, and action plan

    Competency Focus

    • Development of cultural Intelligence: cross cultural and cross cultural communication skills.
    • Vietnamese people and Western expats after the training will work, manage, negotiate, and communicate efficiently together and with their staff.

      Target Audience

      Expatriates living and working in Vietnam or dealing with Vietnamese international customers, partners, and employees in international companies.


      Interactive PowerPoint presentation with exercises, practice (role plays) and group discussions; handouts; real case scenarios; and Cultural Compass tool debrief (cultural profile assessment questionnaire).

      Duration & Language

      • Duration: 2 days from 9.00am-5.00pm. one-hour lunch break. 2 x 15 minutes’ break.
      • Language: English or Vietnamese

        Toolkit for Participants

        A questionnaire to build personal cultural profiles

        Follow up an d support after training for an additional cost

        • Consulting and personal coaching (or group coaching) to help implement your personal action plan or win the particular cultural challenges created by a multicultural working environment (cross cultural management, cross cultural communication).
        • Intercultural leadership development
        • Multicultural team development
        • Consulting on building a local corporate culture and working environment to fit the local culture

        Living and Working with The West

        About program
        This training will equip Vietnamese managers and staff working in a foreign company, as well as Vietnamese students and their families, with the requisite awareness, knowledge, and cross-cultural skills to work, study, and communicate successfully with their Western colleagues and counterparts. After the training, they will stop looking at their Western colleagues through Vietnamese cultural glasses and therefore come to better understand their behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, values, and communication styles. In short, they will now understand the Western lifestyle, including the business and education culture.

        Learn More

        Program Outline

        Key Learning Objectives
        How to live, work, study, and communicate with Westerners

        • Know the specifics of your own culture
        • Know the specifics of the Western culture
        • Know the differences between your and the Western culture
        • Learn tips and strategies to bridge these differences
        • Understand Western behavior and know how to transform yours to work together successfully
        • Equip yourself with the necessary cross-cultural knowledge to do the following:
          − Avoid conflicts, tensions, and misunderstandings in your relationships with Western superiors and colleagues
          − Communicate appropriately and efficiently with your Western colleagues
          − Understand and develop the required skills to study successfully within the Western academic system
          − Help Vietnamese families sending their children to study abroad to become aware of the cultural differences and challenges their children will be facing to provide better support

        Competency Focus

        • Development of awareness of the 14 cultural differences between the West, Asia, and Vietnam, plus the cross-cultural and cross-cultural communication skills needed to succeed in the West.
        • After the training, you can live, work, study, and communicate with Westerners.

        Target Audience

        • Vietnamese managers and staff living and working in Vietnam, dealing with international colleagues, customers, or partners and who may be future expats in the West.
        • Vietnamese students and their families who intend to live and study in the West.


        Interactive PowerPoint presentation with exercises, practice and group discussions; handouts; real case scenarios; videos; role plays; and a cultural assessment tool (cultural profile evaluation questionnaire).


        • 1/2 Day: Cultural Awareness Pack
        • 1 Day: Cross Cultural Pack Essentials
        • 2 Days: Full Cross Cultural Pack

        Language: Vietnamese or English

        Follow up and support after training

        • To help you build your action plan after training.
        • Consulting and personal coaching (or group coaching) to help you translate into action the knowledge received during the training in order to practice the cross cultural skills necessary to adapt to cultural differences and win the particular cultural challenges created by your local living, working, and studying environment.

        Take a look at our cross – cultural coaching projects

        We are proud to support expatriate and Vietnamese leaders, schools, students, and individuals in Vietnam over the years.

        Global leaders & Cultural Awareness Event

        Christian delivered a presentation for a business club called business executives network, a club for CEOs of global companies and Business owners, including Vietnamese and expats in Vietnam

        Foreign Women & Vietnamese Culture Event

        Christian organized an event to share his experience, insights, and Vietnamese culture with a group of foreign women to assist them in adjusting quickly to their new life in Vietnam.

        Vietnamese Professionals & Cross-cultural Training Program

        Christian facilitated cultural training group programs to train Vietnamese professionals on how to communicate, build relationships, motivate, engage and work with multicultural teams. 

        Vietnamese Professionals & Cross-cultural Training Program

        Christian facilitated cultural training group programs to train Vietnamese professionals on how to communicate, build relationships, motivate, engage and work with multicultural teams.

        At UK Academy School

        Christian was at the opening of a UK Academy, an international private School from the Nguyen Hoang group. He was the honorary principal of the group of schools.

        At RMIT University

        Christian talked about the Western culture & Vietnamese Culture at RMIT University


        What Clients Say

        We place huge value on strong relationships and have seen the benefit they bring to our business. Customer feedback is vital in helping us to get it right

        Christian Routin, MBA

        Cross-Cultural Coach
        Christian Routin is Managing Partner and Cross-cultural Coach of RRelocate LLC. A “rare blend of talent, experience, and personal background”, he is the most sought-after cross-cultural coach in Vietnam. At RRelocate LLC, he focuses on bringing the best of our team’s cross-cultural coaching and solutions to our clients and helping them achieve their goals. He was born in Saigon, where he grew up until nine before moving to France. His first culture and language are Vietnamese because his Vietnamese family raised him. He grew up with a blended culture, including French, Vietnamese, and Italian. Before settling down in Vietnam for 23 years, he lived and worked in France, and other European and Asian countries for over 20 years. He has been working as a cross-cultural, soft skills and happiness consultant, trainer, executive coach, speaker, and facilitator for the last 11 years. He is a world expert in Vietnamese working culture. He partnered with 30 leading international training companies, 14 local companies, and served 190 leading global companies. Prior to this role, he was a Linguistic Attaché for the French embassy in Hanoi, Senior Account Recruiting Manager for NavigosGroup, Head of Business Unit for Officience, a French BPO company, and the founder of two companies in Europe. He graduated with two Masters in Business Administration and Political Science from Paris University. He is living and working in Vietnam.

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